Supervision of the effectiveness, adequacy and maintenance of the Organisational and Management of SEA is the responsibility of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board of SEA is composed as follows:

  • Giovanni Maria Garegnani, Chairperson (external member);
  • Daniela Mainini (Director without operational powers);
  • Antonella Apicella (external member);
  • Rossella De Bartolomeo, Auditing Director (internal member).

Composition and appointment

The Board of Directors establishes the composition of the Supervisory Board, appoints its members, and sets its remuneration. The Chairperson, chosen from the external members, is appointed by the Supervisory Board itself.

The Supervisory Board currently consists of four members, the majority of whom are not part of the corporate organisation. External members are chosen from among professionals with proven expertise and experience in internal control, governance, legal or ethics issues.

The Supervisory Board’s term is the same as that of the Board of Directors that appointed it, and the term concludes on the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the last fiscal year for which the Board of Directors that appointed it is responsible. It will, however, continue to perform its functions on an interim basis until the members of the new Supervisory Board are appointed.

Role and functioning

The Supervisory Board is granted autonomous powers of initiative and control, in addition to autonomous spending power.

It submits annual and semi-annual written reports to the Board of Directors on the status of the Model and, in particular, on the controls and checks carried out, and on any critical issues or anomalies that have emerged. The functioning, organisation and activities of the Board are governed by special regulations (9th revision of July 27, 2022).

Online report submission

Click here to access the reporting channel.

By letter

Supervisory Board pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/01
SEA – Società per Azioni Esercizi Aeroportuali
20054 Segrate Milano - Aeroporto Milano Linate
c/o Auditing Department - confidential