Family Audit is an important certification qualifying an organization’s commitment to a favourable work-life balance of its employees and is a registered trademark owned by the autonomous Province of Trento which is the certifying body.

family audit

The Family Audit certification is a management tool adopted on a voluntary basis by organizations, including private companies and public and non-profit bodies, that has the purpose of certifying a continuous commitment to a favourable work-life balance.

By adopting the Family Audit certification, the group has started a cycle of continuous improvement with the introduction of innovative organizational solutions, such as flexible work hours and smart working, and of a culture of work-life conciliation.

In 2016 SEA set up the Audit Working Group: staff employees of various functions representing different family regimes and a management team developed, proposed and approved a platform of 28 conciliation measures, to be implemented in the three-year period 2017-2019.

In 2017 SEA obtained the Family Audit certification and in 2020 the autonomous province of Trento, promoter and certification body, attests that SEA has implemented the measures of the three-year Plan and issued the Family Audit Executive certificate. The certificate is valid for three years and constitutes a milestone binding SEA to maintain the standard of commitment on work-life balance issues included in the Plan and to undergo the annual audits by the certifier also for the following three years.