The fundamental issues which have led SEA to carry out the multi-stakeholder workshop are the following:

  • The sustainability report is not the goal but the starting point for an accountable company
  • Accountability does not simply mean report generation, but the deployment of a stakeholder management process
  • Stakeholder management include progressive involvement measures of stakeholders in the company business process, starting with listening activities (survey on stakeholders) evolving in sharing and design cooperation 
  • Stakeholder is not the final element of the redistribution process of value generated by the company, but the keeper of knowledge, expertise and visions possibly helping the company create value in a systemic perspective

Therefore, the workshop has been designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Acting as a disruptive element in the relationship between SEA and its stakeholders
  • Highlight a company listening to the main stakeholders’ needs and viewpoints
  • Involve stakeholders in the company strategies, encouraging a cooperative relationship and partnership between SEA and all interested parties

The workshop has been designed as a tank where:

  • The company considers its stakeholder as a partner of business issues, thus becoming less self-centred
  • Collective intelligence exercises are carried out, favouring opionions creation, improvment suggestions and, finally, the direct involvement in ongoing projects, draft scenarios, policy options suggested by SEA

The workshop is set up in 4 steps:

  • Identification of the projects to be shared and of the categories of stakeholders to be involved by the Sustainability Committee.
  • Drawing of the invitation list, round table composition and deployment of project forms.
  • Performance of workshop according to the following steps:
a) Introduction of works

Presentation of SEA stakeholder management philosophy, of goals and workshop conduct.

b) Discussion tables launch

One manager shows the projects that will be shared.
One coordinator acts as debate moderator.
Each table is granted with 2 or 3 projects which are discussed without SEA representatives, in order to catch viewpoints, improvement suggestions, strengthening scenarios or synergies.

c) Plenary session for of tables output presentation

Interaction ends with SEA engagement to proceed with the elaboration of the tables output and to update stakeholders with an analytic report of the elaboration of documents.

d) Debriefing

SEA management focuses the preliminary assessments on the issues arised.